Your Personal Agent

‘People buy from People’ is a phrase still used widely today, even in a world increasingly dominated by technological solutions, digital platforms and click-of-a-button sale & purchase agreements. Even something as important, valuable and fundamentally essential to one’s life as contracting a deal on your home can be done online and with seemingly stress-free processes. […]

Oakton Development Oak Tree Close
23rd October 2019   |  By Rupert Briggs

Buy-to-let mortgages explained

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Property buying and selling jargon glossary
22nd August 2019   |  By Rupert Briggs

Buying and Selling Jargon: Property market expressions and Words you need to know

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7 Things To Check When Buying A House
18th July 2019   |  By Rupert Briggs

7 Things To Check When Buying A House

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Stunning Surrey
23rd May 2019   |  By Rupert Briggs

How to Research the Neighbourhood Before Buying a House?

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